Sting.MD Petition: Action plan
0. Ukraine needs independent and protected medicine
Despite international treaties and ethical norms, medical professionals delivering care to protesters become the subject of directed violence and administrative pressure. We demand that Minister of the Interior, Prosecutor General and Minister of Health made official statement on inadmissibility of such actions. And we demand from them to create the Special commission on investigation of crimes and abuses of authority in regard of medical professionals and volunteers, and to introduce there independent medical leaders without conflict of interests.
Your signature on Sting.MD petition supports the official appeals applied by Vadym Aristov and cardiologist Kateryna Amosova (#КОЛ-291 – Ministry of the Interior, #10/05-02-14 – Office of Prosecutor General) and shows the international control of their implementation.
1. Ukraine needs its own Magnitsky law
The country’s top leadership by taking inadequate power actions against civil protests has demonstrated its split-up with the people. The past of many state officials has facts of breach of the law and nontransparent accumulation of capital.
Please, appeal to your patients to influence assigning in your country the non-grata status for leading Ukrainian officials and members of their families.
2. Ukraine needs external lustration
As representatives of the current state power blurred themselves and appearance of new ones inside Ukraine by itself may take years, we demand to take all possible efforts to exclude personal participation of leading representatives of the current political regimen in official delegations representing Ukraine. We deem that appearance of new authorized representatives for communication with international organizations (the Council of Europe, European commissions, the UN, the WTO, the WHO, NATO etc.) will bring to the image of current officials the shadow necessary for changes inside the Ukraine, and will also bring up a new generation of politicians with international experience necessary for internal lustration.
Please, appeal to your patients to influence the absence of leading state officials of the current political regime among internationally acceptable name lists of delegations representing Ukraine.
3. Ukraine needs external control over outflow of corrupted capitals
According to Ukrainian legislation, Ukrainian citizens are banned from having bank accounts outside Ukraine without a special permit. Respectively, activity consisting in placing financial assets from Ukraine to outside - is mostly illegal. Also financial monitoring is required for financial results of legal entities that are owned by the state officials or that are directed to funding political parties in Ukraine.
Please, appeal to your patients to influence freezing of illegal banking accounts of Ukrainian state officials, to disclose their non-public banking information via WikiLeaks (if transparency of information is required under the laws of Ukraine or is supportive in crime investigations). Please, influence the initiation of international investigations on potential money laundering by Ukrainian state officials and on acquisition of property using illegal capital.
Demands contained on clauses 1-3 were supported in general terms by more than 100 000 of Ukrainian citizens via petition mechanism on the site of White House. The appeals with similar positions were made by Freedom House and each opposition leader.
4. Ukraine needs shutting-off of all weakly-controlled sources of financing
The experts say the one of the main reasons Ukrainian government cancelled the eurointegration is severe control on spending of the IMF credits and donations of the European Union in comparison with the weakly-controlled credits from the Russian Federation. Presidential elections are planned in Ukraine on 2015 and the public concern is that the common scenario will be repeated again: the external debt will be used for social payments and filling-in budget of the current regime’s election campaign. Without external financial sources, the low effectiveness of the current government will become apparent even for the least educated population strata, and their unprejudiced evaluation during the elections will become possible.
On the reasons mentioned in pp.1 and 4, International “Renaissance” Foundation (founded by George Soros) announced termination of funding of the programs being connected with current political regime.
Please, appeal to your patients to influence termination or reduction of the volume of any kind of funding or crediting of programs, in which the government or a state official takes part. There is high extent of probability that effectiveness of these programs is miserable while the funding is simply being stolen. Please, influence the beginning of strict external audit of the whole history of such programs and control the maximal disclosure of any negative findings.
5. Ukrainian doctors need international solidarity
Another point of disagreement having influenced abrupt cancellation of association of Ukraine and the EU - a question on possibility of receiving treatment by imprisoned oppositionist Yulia Tymoshenko in a clinic abroad. At the same time, there is an opposite tendency among state officials to receive treatment exclusively in foreign medical institutions.
We will omit analysis of a story of specific patient and will focus on the whole picture: for medical professionals in Ukraine unbearable conditions of work are created. Ineffective reform of the public health is being carried out. Modern medical equipment and medical goods are supplied to hospitals at prices sometimes exceeding the world-wide prices by 7- 8 times, and for modern pharmaceuticals, beurocratic registration and import mechanisms are created.
Given all the above mentioned factors, we deem that receiving by Ukrainian state officials the planned treatment in abroad is discrimination of Ukrainian people and in particular the medical community.
Please, turn down personally and ask your colleagues to do the same with any applying of the state officials and their family members for non-urgent medical help. Only finding itself in one medical space with its officials, Ukraine will get fair medical reforms and Ukrainian doctors will get fair conditions of work for their medical practice.
6. Ukraine needs external scientific audit of articles and dissertations
Scandals related to plagiarism in articles and dissertations of political leaders (as well as scientists representing Ukraine) receive too low weight and are quoted too little in Ukraine due to weak resonance in the world. Ukrainian community needs to know more about such findings and see a more distinct reaction of the world community to such incidents.
Please, ask your colleagues to disclose to maximum extent to journalists and Ukrainian non-governmental organizations any findings in articles and dissertations, connected with plagiarism, framing-up facts and undue statistic analysis. Block Ukrainian specialists, whose fraud was found out once, from entering international scientific bodies and participation in educational events.
7. Ukraine needs cultural and educational influence of Europe
The main part of conflicts taking place in Ukraine around eurointegration and openness for the world trends happen due to weak penetration of such processes into Ukraine. The more people are able to touch cultural, scientific and educational achievements of Europe, the more young people return from different educational exchange programs - the more ignorance and groundless fears will be forced out of general strata of people.
Please, ask your patients to influence increase of visits of foreign culture and education bearers to Ukraine. Influence start of trainings and exchange programs in your clinic or university. Evaluate possibility of your visit to Ukraine with the aim of teaching.
(The experience of conducting international medical congresses shows, that the main constraining factor of making it of the appropriate teaching level is expenses for flights of international speakers. Please think, if you can yourself find the sources of financing the trip to the place of your educational mission).
8. Ukraine needs an internationally-controllable traceability of work of foreign medical companies
Supply of the end consumer (a hospital) with of medical appliances (equipment, vascular stents, consumable materials etc.) at prices higher than the average world prices is a source of corruption, bringing to current regime the profit higher than narcotrafficking.
Expenses for promotion of pharmaceuticals with unproved effectiveness is a source of financing the unethical marketing activities, a part of which is corruption.
Donations to NGOs and Foundations that do not have a history of real public activities apart the promotion of donation projects, is a hidden corruption.
Please, appeal to your patients to influence conduction of internal and external audits of companies, whose activity may directly or indirectly assist development of corruption in Ukraine. Bring up an issue of existence and the extent of compliance with ethical norms, when promoting and selling medical goods and pharmaceuticals in Eastern Europe (in particular in Ukraine).
Take your step, show your professional position in support of medical profession in Ukraine!